Apache Camel meets Wasm - Part 1

I recently stumbled upon a fascinating JavaAdvent article discussing a native WebAssembly runtime for the JVM called Chicory. Intrigued by the potential synergy between WebAssembly and Apache Camel, I decided to experiment with integrating them.


To get started, let’s have a basic understanding of the components/technologies we are going to mention in this post:

  • Apache Camel is an open-source integration framework that provides a set of tools and patterns for facilitating the integration of various applications, systems, and technologies. It simplifies the process of connecting different software components and systems, allowing them to communicate and exchange data in a flexible and efficient manner.
  • WebAssembly (Wasm) is a low-level bytecode format designed as a portable target for the compilation of high-level languages like C, C++, and Rust, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.
  • Chicory is a JVM native WebAssembly runtime. It allows you to run WebAssembly programs with zero native dependencies or JNI. Chicory can run Wasm anywhere that the JVM can go.


Our primary objective is to support Wasm as a means to provide custom processing and transformation logic within Apache Camel.


As a first experiment, I’ve started by implementing a dedicated Apache Camel component for Wasm. If you are a little familiar with Apache Camel, then you know that a Component is pretty much a factory to create Producers and Consumers, which are entities interfacing with the target system (a remote API, a Java library, ect).


In our case, we just want to invoke a function provided as a Wasm bytecode and since Apache Camel is written in Java, then here is where Chicory enters the game. Thanks to the excellent Chicory’s Low Level API, writing an Producer becomes straighforward so, ignoring all the boilerplate required to create a Component, invoking a Wasm function boils down to a simple class like this one:

import java.util.Objects;

import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.ExportFunction;
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Instance;
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Module;
import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.Value;

public class WasmFunction {
    private final Module module;
    private final String functionName;

    private final Instance instance;
    private final ExportFunction function;
    private final ExportFunction alloc;
    private final ExportFunction  dealloc;

    public WasmFunction(Module module, String functionName) {
        this.module = Objects.requireNonNull(module);
        this.functionName = Objects.requireNonNull(functionName);

        this.instance = this.module.instantiate();
        this.function = this.instance.getExport(this.functionName);
        this.alloc = this.instance.getExport("alloc");
        this.dealloc = this.instance.getExport("dealloc");

    public byte[] run(byte[] in) throws Exception {

        int inPtr = -1;
        int inSize = in.length;
        int outPtr = -1;
        int outSize = 0;

        try {
            inPtr = alloc.apply(Value.i32(inSize))[0].asInt();
            instance.getMemory().write(inPtr, in);

            Value[] results = function.apply(Value.i32(inPtr), Value.i32(inSize));
            long ptrAndSize = results[0].asLong();

            outPtr = (int)(ptrAndSize >> 32);
            outSize = (int)ptrAndSize;

            return instance.getMemory().readBytes(outPtr, outSize);
        } finally {
            if (inPtr != -1) {
                dealloc.apply(Value.i32(inPtr), Value.i32(inSize));
            if (outPtr != -1) {
                dealloc.apply(Value.i32(outPtr), Value.i32(outSize));

As usual the devil is in the detail.

Memory Management and Data Exchange

In Wasm, sharing objects between the host, in this case the JVM, and the Wasm module is deliberately restricted and as of today, it requires a number of steps:

  1. From the host, call a function inside the webassembly module that allocates a block of memory and returns its address, then save it
  2. From the host, write the data that should be exchanged with the Wasm module to the saved address
  3. From the host, invoke the required function passing both the address where the data is written and its size
  4. From the Wasm module, read the data and process it
  5. From the host, release the memory when done


So the parties must agree on a number of things, among which:

  • the schema of the data exchnaged, aka the protocol
  • the memory management, so how data must be allocated and when/how/who it should be de-allocated

The data structure chosen for this POC is a subset of an Apache Camel Exchange, containing headers and a body encoded as a base64 string.

public static class Wrapper {
    public Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();

    public byte[] body;

To be sure the data is valid for the entire execution of the Apache Camel’s processor, the host is the one responsible to de-allocate memory and this has an impact on how the guest function is implemented.

For this POC I decided to use Rust to write webassembly modules, so the examples will be done using that.

Memory Allocation

Below you can find examples for an allocation and deallocation functions:

pub extern "C" fn alloc(size: u32) -> *mut u8 {
    let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize);
    let ptr = buf.as_mut_ptr();

    // tell Rust not to clean this up


pub unsafe extern "C" fn dealloc(ptr: &mut u8, len: i32) {
    // Retakes the pointer which allows its memory to be freed.
    let _ = Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, 0, len as usize);

Data processing

Now we can implement the data processing function which ins this case does nothing more that take the input body and make it upper case:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Message {
    headers: HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>,

    #[serde(with = "Base64Standard")]
    body: Vec<u8>,

pub extern fn process(ptr: u32, len: u32) -> u64 {
    let bytes = unsafe {
            ptr as *mut u8,
            len as usize)

    let mut msg: Message = serde_json::from_slice(bytes).unwrap();
    msg.body = String::from_utf8(msg.body).unwrap().to_uppercase().as_bytes().to_vec();

    let out_vec = serde_json::to_vec(&msg).unwrap();
    let out_len = out_vec.len();
    let out_ptr = alloc(out_len as u32);

    unsafe {
            out_len as usize)

    return ((out_ptr as u64) << 32) | out_len as u64;

So what the function does is:

  1. read the chunk of memory the host function has filled at a given ptr
  2. de-serialize the buffer to a type that implements the agreed schema
  3. apply the logic
  4. serialize it back to a buffer
  5. return to the host the ptr where the result can be found

Wrap it all up

Now that we have a Wasm function and the a Apache Camel Component for Wasm, we can use it in a test/example to proof it works so assuming that a functions.wasm file is available in the classpath, then we can write something like:

try (CamelContext cc = new DefaultCamelContext()) {
    FluentProducerTemplate pt = cc.createFluentProducerTemplate();

    cc.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
        public void configure() throws Exception {


    Exchange out = pt.to("direct:in")
        .withHeader("foo", "bar")

        .containsEntry("foo", "bar");



While this is merely a proof-of-concept, the integration of Apache Camel with Wasm holds great potential. Stay tuned for future posts, where we’ll delve deeper into the possibilities

To learn more about this implementation and explore its code, visit my GitHub repository