With Camel 2.18 we have introduced a few functional APIs in RouteBuilder so you can leverage lambdas to easily build your routes.
Note | this is just the beginning so you should expect more and better functional APIs in the coming versions. |
Let’s start writing a simple and intentionally verbose Java 7 route that logs if a number is even or odd.
.transform(new ExpressionAdapter() {
public Object evaluate(Exchange exchange) {
return exchange.getIn().getBody(Date.class).getTime();
.when(new Predicate() {
public boolean matches(Exchange exchange) {
long number = exchange.getIn().getBody(Long.class);
return (number & 1) == 0;
.to("Received even number")
.when(new Predicate() {
public boolean matches(Exchange exchange) {
long number = exchange.getIn().getBody(Long.class);
return (number & 1) != 0;
.to("Received odd number")
You can now switch to Java 8 and start using new constructs to implement EIP:
You have a number of options to translate messages and among them you may think to use an Expression but unfortunately you can’t use a lambda to implement such interface as this interface is generic so you may think to use a method reference but that is not really an improvement over using a bean.
Here is where Camel 2.18 can help so you can implement the patter as below:
.transform() .body(Date.class, Date::getTime)
A Predicate can be easily implemented using lambda, like:
.when(exchange -> (exchange.getIn().getBody(Integer.class) & 1) != 0) .to("Received odd number")
However in Camel 2.18 we can make it even easier
.when() .body(Long.class, b -> (b & 1) == 0) .to("Received odd number")
We are now ready to apply the new APIs to our route and rewrite it as follow:
.body(Date.class, Date::getTime)
.body(Long.class, b -> (b & 1) == 0)
.log("Received even number ${body}")
.body(Long.class, b -> (b & 1) != 0)
.log("Received odd number ${body}")
Tip | The new Java 8 APIs introduced in RouteBuilder helps to reduce the amount of code but it also helps to make it clear which is the target of a Predicate/Processor/Expression, i.e. in the example above you can easily spot that the routing is based on the content of the body. |
As Java 8 API refinement is ongoing here an updated list of EIP that have been enanced to be Java 8 friendly:
From Camel 2.18.1
you can implement your aggregation policy/aggregation strategy as lambda:
from("direct:aggregate") .aggregate() .body(Long.class, b -> (b & 1) == 0) .strategy() .body(Long.class, (o, n) -> o != null ? o + n : n) .completion() .body(Long.class, b -> b >= 10) .to("mock:result");
You can enrich content using data from an external service and merge it with a lambda expression:
fom("direct:start") .enrichWith("direct:resource") .body(String.class, (o, n) -> n + o) .to("mock:enriched");
From Camel 2.19
class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("direct:start-1") .dynamicRouter() .exchange(this::slip); } private String slip(Exchange exchange) { String previous = ExchangeHelper.getHeaderOrProperty( exchange, Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT, String.class); if (previous == null) { return "mock:a,mock:b"; } else if ("mock://b".equals(previous)) { return "mock:c"; } // no more so return null return null; } }
from("direct:start") .idempotentConsumer() .message(m -> m.getHeader("MessageId")) .messageIdRepository(new MemoryIdempotentRepository()) .to("mock:result")
You can express the do/while end condition as lamda
from("direct:start") .loopDoWhile() .body(String.class, b -> b.length() <= 5) .transform() .body(String.class, b -> b += "A") .to("mock:loop") .end() .to("mock:result");
You can implement your custom onPrepare function using lambda as well as the aggregation strategy used to assemble the replies from the multicasts.
from("direct:start") .multicast() .onPrepare() .message(m -> m.setHeader("onPrepare", true)) .aggregationStrategy() .body(Integer.class, (o, n) -> o != null ? o + n : n) .to("direct:do-something-1", "direct:do-something-2") .end() .to("mock:result");
from("direct:start") .routingSlip() .message(m -> m.getHeader("RecipientListHeader", String.class).split(",")) .end();